What to Expect During Withdrawal

You’ve accepted the fact that substance abuse has ruined your life and are prepared to make positive changes. You want to get sober, but you’re so terrified of withdrawal that you can’t bring yourself to do it.
The unknown is usually the most terrifying aspect. When someone suddenly stops using drugs or alcohol, their body and brain have to work very hard to get back to how they were before they started using. As your body attempts to overcome its addiction, you may experience mild to severe withdrawal symptoms.
Misuse of alcohol, benzodiazepines, and opioids typically results in the most severe symptoms. Find out what to expect from detox and how you can lessen the discomfort of withdrawal symptoms below, and some coping mechanisms you can use. South Africa is home to a burgeoning population of recovering addicts, counsellors, and specialists, making it an excellent setting for the best drug rehabs South AfricaGet in touch with us for more information on our affordable Rehab.

You will be exhausted

Everyone has experienced fatigue, but withdrawal can completely drain a person’s strength. There’s a good chance you’ll be too exhausted to do anything more than the bare minimum. Unfortunately, you probably won’t be able to sleep either due to the other withdrawal symptoms you’re experiencing.
It’s encouraging to know that natural remedies exist for fighting fatigue. The practise of meditation, or quiet introspection, can help you overcome fatigue by calming your mind and bringing it into focus.

Withdrawal from Substance Abuse: What to Expect
Withdrawal from Substance Abuse: What to Expect
Withdrawal from Substance Abuse: What to Expect

You will experience extreme physical discomfort

Your body will feel like it’s battling itself despite having very little energy, which will just make you feel more worn out. There is a lot of physical discomfort associated with withdrawal. It’s possible you’ll get a sensation of heat throughout your body; some people describe this as “feeling like their body is on fire.” Additionally, you may feel a prickling, pins-and-needles sensation all over your body accompanied by a throbbing pain. You might feel your body temperature fluctuate wildly and unexpectedly. There will be times when you feel really hot and sweaty. And then, after only a little while, you might feel icy cold and start shivering.

There may be no way to completely eliminate the pain from withdrawal, but getting regular massages can help a great deal. Massage therapy, in which pressure is given to alter soft body tissue, can alleviate the aches and pains associated with detoxification. Positional treatment, which entails stretching and joint manipulation, might ease physical withdrawal symptoms as well.

Your stomach might get sick

Your stomach will be turning as your body flushes out the toxin. Expect to feel really queasy. As the stomach pain continues, you may feel compelled to throw up more than once. Acute diarrhoea is also rather common.
Thankfully, acupuncture can help provide some alleviation. Acupuncture iaan ancient Chinese medical technique that uses tiny needles to stimulate certain points on the body and lessen nausea and stomach pain.

You might feel irritable and even paranoid

Unfortunately, physical withdrawal symptoms aren’t the only ones to watch out for. When going through withdrawal, it’s normal to feel anxious. Your thoughts may speed up to the point where you become excessively paranoid. You might get irritated or grumpy as your stress levels rise.

Psychological symptoms should be treated with the same seriousness as physical ones. Yoga, which consists of meditative postures, breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques, can aid with mental detox symptoms and bring about a state of calmness and serenity. Forest bathing, or simply spending time in the woods, has been shown to have similar effects on one’s mental health.

Withdrawal from Substance Abuse: What to Expect
Withdrawal from Substance Abuse: What to Expect

You might feel restless

You may discover that you can’t sit still for more than a second due to the combination of the excruciating mental and bodily pain and sheer exhaustions. You might feel an uncontrollable trembling in your body. You might find yourself tossing and turning in bed, unable to sleep because of the pain. Listening to music can be a great way to alleviate this anguish. Listening to music with specific slower tempos has been shown to influence brain activity in a way that induces a state of calm and relaxes the body’s muscles.

Final Thoughts

Although withdrawal symptoms might be extremely uncomfortable, there is help available. Detoxing without the supervision of a medical practitioner is extremely risky and can lead to serious complications. A doctor can prescribe medicine to lessen or eliminate your pain and discomfort.
Even when the physical withdrawal symptoms have passed, the mental and emotional distress can continue for months, or even years.
You don’t have to go through the misery of withdrawal symptoms and the risk to your life that comes with a solo detox. Reach out for support if you’re ready to enter recover, and you’ll be able to begin your journey to sobriety in a supportive setting.
Attempting to withdraw from drugs and alcohol on one’s own after dependence and addiction might result in potentially fatal effects. However, medical detox and medication-assisted treatment, both of which are available at drug rehabilitation centres, can make withdrawal manageable and even bearable.

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