How Family Members Can Support a Loved One in Recovery

Seeing a loved one struggle with addiction or mental health issues is incredibly challenging and sad. Truly, when a loved one enters treatment, the love and encouragement of family and friends will become the foundation upon which their recovery platform is built, strengthening their resolve to remain on the path to sobriety.
Strong family ties often serve as the backbone of a person’s recovery community, reminding them that they are loved and that they are not alone. When a family is strong, the person who is recovering knows they have someone to lean on, especially in the difficult times ahead. South Africa is home to a burgeoning population of recovering addicts, counsellors, and specialists, making it an excellent setting for alcohol rehabilitation centresGet in touch with us for more information on our long term rehab centre.
When it comes to assisting a loved one in their recovery, family members are invaluable resources. Here are some ways you can help a loved one recover from substance use disorder:

Show support free of judgment

A person’s progress in rehabilitation can be hampered by the widespread belief that their loved ones are judging them. That’s why it’s so crucial to express your affection to the people in your life who are in recover. For starters, you may express your admiration for their sobriety.
Realistically, your loved one may lose interest in continuing with therapy and cease adhering to the programme at some point along the lengthy road to recovery. It’s natural to feel disheartened but keep showing your loved one unconditional support even as you wait for them to right their ship.

How Family Members Can Support a Loved One in Recovery
How Family Members Can Support a Loved One in Recovery
How Family Members Can Support a Loved One in Recovery

Encourage healthy habits

A person’s state of physical, mental, and emotional health is crucial to their recovery. Therefore, motivate your loved one to establish a regular exercise programme or self-care routine that includes some form of physical activity. Maybe you could become their gym buddy, learn to prepare healthy meals with them, or even just be there for them to vent to and give them a push in the right direction as they work towards their objectives.

Show support at the treatment phase

Your loved one’s treatment plan may involve intensive therapy sessions spread out over a long period of time, depending on the nature of the disorder and the severity of the disorder or addiction.
You can help by making sure they stick to their plans and provide practical assistance with things like grocery shopping and housework when they come home.
However, keep in mind that addiction is a family disease, and that you can help your loved one the most by taking action on your own.
·         Plan family counselling sessions while they are in treatment and after they return home. This raises awareness about how the condition or addiction may have impacted family dynamics.
·         Participate in family support groups. Support groups are an excellent way to learn how to care for yourself during the recovery process. Support groups can also teach you how to quit encouraging addictive behaviour.
·         Take part in your own personalised therapy.

Create a home environment conducive to recovery

Your house should be a safe and supportive place where you may focus on your sobriety. So, if your loved one is still in the early phases of rehabilitation, it’s crucial that you don’t bring any alcoholic beverages to the house.
If you’re worried about your partner’s safety, it’s best not to invite them to parties where alcohol will be served. So that they can take part in enjoyable activities without feeling inclined to indulge, you should practise doing so sober.

How Family Members Can Support a Loved One in Recovery
How Family Members Can Support a Loved One in Recovery

Focus on the overall wellbeing of your family

Caring for someone who is trying to recover from addiction is difficult work. You must, however, be in peak form to keep providing your loved one with the finest care you can. There may be many challenges and frustrations for your loved one while they readjust to life at home. Along with your support and understanding, you’ll also need the skills to work through negative feelings and articulate them. Therefore, it is imperative that you seek out individual therapy, enrol in a support group like Al-anon or Alateen, and establish healthy habits for yourself.

Learn more about how addiction works

The road to rehabilitation is long, and your loved one may relapse at any time. Therefore, it is crucial that you learn as much as possible about addiction as a disease.
This can help you recognise the warning signs of relapse and deal with them with compassion and understanding rather than anger, guilt, and stigma before they spiral out of control. Do something right away if you see any signs of relapse.

Set healthy boundaries

One of life’s greatest challenges is mastering the art of setting limits with the people we care about. Rather than being encouraging, it can come out as nasty and unloving. However, creating healthy boundaries with loved ones in recovery is always vital as a demonstration of genuine love.
One of the most helpful things a loved one can do is to help them set limits by learning when to say no.

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