Addressing Co-Occurring Mental Health Disorders in Addiction Recovery

Millions of people face the extraordinary challenge of dealing with more than one disorder at a time. The need for treating co-occurring disorders jointly and finding the correct care to achieve better outcomes can be better understood once the hidden world of co-occurrence and its causes are revealed.
Co-occurring disorders are related both medically and behaviourally, and while it was once thought that mental health and substance use problems were separate and required fundamentally different sorts of therapy, we now know better.
As a result of this breakthrough in knowledge, the most effective models of care have switched from isolated interventions to those focused on treating people with a dual disease simultaneously.
Better results can be achieved by treating the full individual, not just one aspect of their suffering, when co-occurring illnesses are treated together. This is true not only for those battling mental illness and addiction, but for those battling a number of different mental health conditions simultaneously.
In this article, we take a closer look at co-occurring mental health disorders that either contribute to, are exacerbated by, or work alongside substance abuse, and explore why holistic treatment is the best route to full recovery. South Africa is home to a burgeoning population of recovering addicts, counsellors, and specialists, making it an excellent setting for alcohol rehabilitation centresGet in touch with us for more information on our long term rehab centre.

Understanding the roots of co-occurrence

Psychiatric distress is generally the outcome of a combination of factors, rather than a single underlying cause.

Importance of Addressing Co-Occurring Mental Health Disorders in Addiction Recovery
Importance of Addressing Co-Occurring Mental Health Disorders in Addiction Recovery
Importance of Addressing Co-Occurring Mental Health Disorders in Addiction Recovery

The research indicates that at least 20% of people with a mental illness have a co-occurring substance use problem, and the rate of addiction is double that of the general population among those who suffer from a mental illness. Unfortunately, common discourses about mental illness rarely represent the specific experience of people with multiple disorders, leaving many to feel abandoned, hopeless, and confused. It is not yet clear what factors contribute to high co-occurrence rates. Similar genes and similar neurology are, however, the two main explanations supported by an increasing body of scientific evidence.

Genetic causes

The genes that put you at risk for one mental health condition may also put you at risk for another mental health condition or an addiction disease.
Genes may affect susceptibility to stress, as well as the likelihood of engaging in risky or innovative pursuits, both of which have been linked to the emergence of substance abuse and other mental health problems.

Neurological causes

Similar neurotransmitter and brain area activity has been linked to both mental health issues and addiction. Researchers believe that changes in the brain brought on by one condition may be directly responsible for the emergence of another, which could suggest that different disorders arise from the same defects.
Subsequent drug use before the onset of symptoms might alter brain structure and function, perhaps lighting the fuse on a predisposition to mental illness.
 And similar to how a mental problem can cause brain changes that increase the vulnerability to abusing substances by enhancing their positive effects, or alleviating the unpleasant effects associated with the mental disorder or medication used to treat it, self-medication can also be a result of a mental health condition.

Importance of Addressing Co-Occurring Mental Health Disorders in Addiction Recovery
Importance of Addressing Co-Occurring Mental Health Disorders in Addiction Recovery

Treating co-occurrence and the road to recovery

Co-occurring disorders greatly enhance the likelihood of relapse and cause suffering that is qualitatively distinct from that caused by a single disorder. Co-occurring illnesses are characterised by their complexity and interconnectedness, making treatment methods that focus on a single diagnosis at a time based on an incorrect premise. They are inextricably linked and should be dealt with as such. However, a growing corpus of research is revealing how this knowledge might be exploited to better treatment by clarifying why illnesses so frequently occur together.

By addressing both problems at once, you can learn more about the interconnectedness of your conditions and benefit from both pharmaceutical and behavioural approaches to treatment. By learning how to foster neurological homeostasis and manage triggers that endanger your stability, you can break the feedback cycle that often causes several diseases.

Finding treatment for co-occurring disorders

Finding a therapy facility that employs an integrative approach is, thus, crucial. Clinicians that have experience working with patients who are coping with co-occurring disorders have developed these programmes, which employ complex examinations to establish diagnostic certainty even in the context of several, overlapping conditions.
After gaining a thorough understanding of your mental and behavioural health, they will employ state-of-the-art therapies targeted at each condition and their interconnections.
Breaking through unhelpful emotional, cognitive, and behavioural patterns and finding long-term relief from suffering requires an integrative approach that draws from a wide range of therapeutic modalities to provide rich treatment experiences that address the entire breadth of your needs.
In spite of their prevalence, complexity, and torment, co-occurring diseases are treatable. You can find the peace you’ve been seeking by connecting to the correct programme, which will provide you with the keys to unlocking your own inner resources.

We also take a look at alcohol addiction in the elderly.

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