What are the Common Myths About Addiction Treatment

Addiction and rehabilitation are hot topics, yet they are often misrepresented by out-of-date or flat-out untrue claims. As a result, the stigma and humiliation that often accompany addiction only serve to heighten the difficulty of recovery.
Addiction is a serious problem that has to be discussed openly and honestly so that persons in need of treatment can receive it and so that others who care about them can learn how to provide effective support.
Here, we explore some of the most common myths about addiction which are often as a result of misunderstanding this challenging disease. South Africa is home to a burgeoning population of recovering addicts, counsellors, and specialists, making it an excellent setting for the best drug rehabs South AfricaGet in touch with us for more information on our affordable Rehab.

Prescription drugs are not as addictive as street drugs

Prescription drug abuse, including the misuse of pain relievers, tranquillizers, and stimulants, is a major and rapidly expanding problem across all demographics. These medications have the potential to be extremely dangerous and addicting. You could be in danger even if your doctor prescribes these drugs.

Common Myths about Addiction
Common Myths about Addiction
Common Myths about Addiction

Addiction is about your behaviour, and is therefore not a disease

There’s a neurological basis for human behaviour. Recent research on the brain has revealed that it is possible to alter brain function through therapies like psychotherapy and medication. This is accurate for many diseases, including depression and addiction. Counselling and other behavioural therapies may be all that’s needed in some cases. In other cases, medication may also be necessary. Addiction is a serious condition, despite the fact that behavioural therapy can be helpful.

Addicts are bad people who deserve to be punished

Addicts have been known to act horribly after a period of heavy substance abuse. It’s hard to understand these behaviours and feel compassion for them. Addicts may lie, cheat, steal, and even commit violent acts to sustain their substance use.
This is not acceptable behaviour, but it must be remembered that the person engaging in it is ill and in desperate need of medical attention. In order to recover, sick individuals need treatment, not punishment.

An addict is a lost cause after they relapse

A relapse is the return of previous symptoms; try not to let this set you back too much. Like type II diabetes or hypertension, addiction is a lifetime condition that demands constant attention. The risk of relapse in addiction is equivalent to that of other chronic diseases.
To recover, one must make lasting changes in one’s routine. This can be a lengthy process fraught with difficulty and sometimes failure.
This does not indicate that the earlier treatments were ineffective, since the addict is still making positive strides towards recovery. A relapse may indicate the need for a new treatment strategy or an adjustment to existing support systems.
Keep in mind that the vast majority of people who relapse from addiction eventually find recovery again.

Common Myths about Addiction
Common Myths about Addiction

Treatment will automatically solve the problem

Substance abuse is a long-term medical illness that can be managed, but not cured. Although treatment may be the initial step towards recovery, it is by no means the only one. Many patients require multiple treatment sessions before they can maintain their progress towards health. Maintaining health calls for a permanent commitment to treating symptoms, learning new ways of dealing with stressful situations, and getting the help you need.

Addicts first have to hit rock bottom before they can really recover

Besides being false, this could have serious consequences. Waiting makes the patient sicker, which can have fatal results. Forcing someone into therapy has been shown to have the same success rate as going to treatment voluntarily.
Those who seek treatment before their addiction becomes serious also have a greater chance of a thorough recovery because they have more resources at their disposal, such as a loving family and a stable employment. Therefore, the sooner treatment is sought, the better.

People with stable jobs and happy families can’t be addicts

Many people believe they are immune to the effects of addiction because they have achieved professional success, don’t drink before 5 p.m., or were raised in a “good” family. Addiction is a problem that can affect anyone.
Due to fear of social judgement, many people downplay the extent of their substance use or refuse treatment. A person should get help if their substance abuse is producing problems in their personal or professional lives.

You can overcome addiction with willpower

Substance abuse can cause substantial alterations in the brains of those who are predisposed to addiction. The brain’s “reward pathway” has been hacked by these alterations. In the natural world, you have to put in some work and wait for your payoff. However, addictive substances bypass this mechanism and instead overwhelm the brain with feel-good hormones.
Addiction causes alterations in the brain that weaken a person’s willpower and decision-making skills while simultaneously stimulating powerful urges to engage in drug use. These intense desires stem from the same survival-related neural circuits as the needs to eat and drink.
Compulsive and perplexing behaviour surrounding addiction can be understood in light of these powerful urges. In spite of all the bad things that can happen to users, they will continue to use, and therefore treatment – not sheer willpower – is the best path to recovery.

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