The Benefits Of a Residential Drug Rehab Facility

An inpatient rehabilitation facility can provide those in recovery a safe setting to detox, a better success rate, and a supportive community. Inpatient treatment centres may be the most effective choice for those struggling with a severe addiction.
Here, we explore the many benefits of a residential drug rehab facility towards attaining a lasting and meaningful recovery. South Africa is home to a burgeoning population of recovering addicts, counsellors, and specialists, making it an excellent setting for drug rehabilitation centresGet in touch with us for more information on our South Africa treatment centre.

What are the Benefits of a Residential Drug Rehab Facility

What is inpatient rehab?

A person with a substance abuse issue can get 24-hour care and treatment at an inpatient rehabilitation facility. This differs from day treatment programmes where patients return home at night, where inpatient programmes provide round-the-clock care.

Benefits Of a Residential Drug Rehab Facility
Benefits Of a Residential Drug Rehab Facility
Benefits Of a Residential Drug Rehab Facility

When an individual requires medical supervision due to a serious addiction, inpatient rehabilitation (also known as residential therapy) is the best option. This type of environment often exists outside of a hospital and serves to foster a group of people who can help one another through the process of overcoming substance misuse. A typical stay in a residential treatment centre lasts 30 days, while there are programmes that provide more extensive care (between 60-90 days). A person’s need for long-term or short-term residential treatment depends on the extent of their addiction. Inpatient rehabilitation has several advantages, which we explore next.

The benefits if inpatient rehab

There are a number of benefits, including increased security and a better chance of success, when compared to outpatient treatment centres.
A person’s life is going to alter dramatically from the minute they decide to get help. Detoxification is the first step in overcoming the obstacles brought on by this improvement, but there are others to consider as well.

Adequate care throughout the detox period

Because of the discomfort it causes, many people who have been abusing substances put off going through withdrawal and detox for as long as they can.
The symptoms of substance withdrawal are highly variable. Meth, like other substances, can cause side effects like anxiety and exhaustion in users. Psychosis, characterised by hallucinations and delusions, can also develop in drug users.
Pain in the muscles and joints, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, fever, elevated blood pressure, and shakiness are among withdrawal symptoms associated with opiates like Oxycodone and Codeine.

Benefits Of a Residential Drug Rehab Facility
Benefits Of a Residential Drug Rehab Facility

Less blood will be able to reach the brain during alcohol detox, which can cause tremors, seizures, and delirium tremens. The risks of attempting a detox on your own are too great to recommend doing so. If you try to go through withdrawal without medical supervision, you could die. Inpatient treatment centres offer patients a controlled environment in which to go through the detox process under the watchful eye of medical professionals who can help mitigate some of the more uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms typically begin a few hours after the last usage, however this varies by substance and the level of addiction. As a patient at an inpatient rehabilitation centre, you will have access to round-the-clock care for withdrawal symptoms and the option to take medicine to ease the discomfort.

A higher success rate

When someone is in outpatient treatment, they have the option of giving up at any time by returning to their old drinking habits or getting in touch with their drug dealer.
As they return home each night, they are once again surrounded by the conditions that encouraged their substance usage, making it much more difficult to maintain sobriety.
Patients at inpatient rehab benefit from not having access to their drug of choice, and while they are free to leave at any moment, they are less likely to return experience a relapse.
The success rate of inpatient detox is higher than that of outpatient detox, according to studies. Individuals who enter and stay in therapy improve in many ways: at work, in their relationships, and in their mental health.
Individuals who have recovered from one substance use disorder (SUD) are more likely to avoid developing another SUD because they have the knowledge and skills to avoid relapse.

A sense of community

The bonds formed between patients, counsellors, and other people in recovery are crucial to the success of any substance abuse programme.
Some people may never be able to overcome their addiction without the help of those who have been through similar experiences who can lend an ear and a shoulder.
A person in recovery has access to all of the necessary social supports around the clock while living in an inpatient rehabilitation centre. It may be more challenging or time-consuming to build these ties in outpatient rehabilitation.
As part of the process of returning to everyday life, treatment centres help patients develop an aftercare plan that may include placement in a sober living environment. If a person completes treatment, they may be offered help in finding gainful employment.

Inpatient rehabilitation is more expensive than outpatient because of the need for round-the-clock supervision and access to medical care, food, and living quarters.
While it’s true that some people may feel like the expense of alcohol addiction treatment is too high, the reality is that the cost of addiction is much higher.
There is help available if you or someone you care about has an addiction problem. Addiction recovery may feel impossible at first. Get in touch with a treatment centre right away to start considering about your treatment choices.

We also take a look at how drugs affect the brain.

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